Thursday, November 27, 2008

In the quietness of the early morning hours, I have been having a time of praise and worship with my Father, giving thanks to Him for all He has done...and thanking Him for your friendship. May you have a most blessed Thanksgiving! How I would love to write each of you a personal note, but there are just not enough hours in the day...

I am one who likes to have a "bit" of decoration around my house for the season we are in; thus, on one of my coffee tables are two pilgrim figurines. We have learned of the pilgrims since our early school days. How well I remember making the pilgrim hat and collar in elementary school!
The pilgrims came from England to find a new home in America because they did not want someone (namely the King of England) telling them how they should worship God and they didn't agree with some of the things the church was teaching. They had heard of America - a place where they could be free to live the way they wanted to live and believe what they wanted to believe without being punished for it. As I've pondered this thought over the years, I must admit I cannot imagine the cost of that decision...leaving behind their home, the majority of their belongings, their friends, their security....getting on a small ship to travel to place they had only heard about...a land where they would be strangers...but GOD was with them and helped them to live in this land and survive.

At our special Thanksgiving service last evening, Pastor Doug shared a video which opened with the word "pilgrim" and its definition - a traveler - one who journeys in a foreign land. I have been blessed by the Word this week as I've looked at different Scripture verses. You know what? I am a "pilgrim"... I am on a journey in this life. When I accepted Jesus as my Savior and He forgave me of my sins...I was made free. This world was no longer my home....and I am a stranger here. The Word says in Ephesians 3:20 "that our citizenship is in heaven and we eagerly await a Savior from there." Hebrews 13:14 tells us "For this world is not our home; we are looking forward to our city in heaven, which is yet to come."

Yes, I am a "pilgrim" on a pilgrimage (a journey to a holy place!) ...are you too? Have a most blessed Thanksgiving....give Him thanks! In His Love, Suzi

Saturday, August 2, 2008

It's Vacation Bible School Time!

Calling all kids from ages 4 to 99! Come to "God's Big Backyard" at Anoka Wesleyan starting Sunday, August 3rd through Thursday, August 7th from 6 to 8:30 pm.

Come learn the joy of showing God’s love through service to your family, friends, neighbors, community and Jesus!

It all starts on Sunday evening, August 3rd at 6 pm. On Thursday night, we will have a special block party for the ENTIRE FAMILY AND OUR NEIGHBORHOOD! There will be games, food, music, and much more! Come explore stories of Bible servants and be challenged to serve each day!

Cost is $3.00 per person. Adults, there will be a class for you each day as well! You can register one of three ways:
1. Pick up a registration form in the entryway at church
2. Call 763-427-1068
3. Send an e-mail to
Hope to see you there!!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Church Annual Meeting

We will be having the church annual meeting on Sunday evening, May 18th, at 6 pm. We hope you will be able to come. Following the meeting, join us for root beer floats!

Thank you for praying about the business and ministry of our church. In all we do, may we reflect Jesus Christ to our community and be a lighthouse to our world for Him!

Come To Our Ladies' Brunch

On Saturday, May 17th, at 9:30 am, we will be having our annual Ladies' brunch at the church. Our theme for the morning will be "Birthday Bash". Laura Descalzo, Global Partners' missionary to Russia, will be our guest speaker for the morning, sharong in how women "live life" in Russia. Why not invite your mom, a sister, your daughter, your neighbor to join you! Be sure to write your name on the sign-up sheet in the entry ways if you plan on coming!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Camp Time Is Coming!!!

Senior High Camp - June 16th through June 21st
"Identity" with Eddy Shigley Jr

Junior High Camp - June 23rd through June 28th
"Identity" with Jason Boyer

Kids Camp - July 7th through 10th
"One" with Pastor Ben Kidder

Family Camp - July 16th through 20th
Ministry by Rev. Dale Freed

All camps are at Cedar Springs Camp in Floyd, IA
There is something for the entire family!!!
See Suzi for more information. You can even register online!

Spring Leadership Clinic

Dr. Everett Piper, President of Oklahoma Wesleyan University, will be holding a clnic on April 12th from 10 am until 2 pm at Oakdale Church (6477 10th St N in Oakdale, MN). The clinic's focus will be "Facing A Shifting World View" Cost is $4.00 per persson. Let Pastor Doug know if you plan on attending...and if you will need a ride!

Membership Classes

Pastor Doug is holding membership classes starting APril 6th at 5 pm. If you are interested in becoming a member or would just like to inow more about the Wesleyan Church, plan on attending!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Easter Is Coming!

Tomorrow is Palm Sunday - the beginning of Holy Week! We invite you to join our church family for the special events we will be remembering and celebrating!

Maundy Thursday Service and Communion will be at 7 pm.

On Good Friday, we will not have a formal service, but the church will be open from 5-8 pm for you to come and go as you wish. Why not stop in and spend a few moments with the Lord in prayer, thanking Him for His willingness to die on the cross of Calvaray for our sins!

Easter Sunday will begin with a breakfast at 8:15 am sponsored by the teens and young adults of our church family. Sunday School will be held at 9:15 am and then we will have a special Easter Celebration Service at 10:45 am.

Come join us - Jesus Christ is risen!!!

Talent Show

What talent we have at Anoka Wesleyan! I'll try to post some pictures soon, but just wanted you to know what an amazing time we had last Sunday evening at our Annual Talent Show! The theme for the evening was "I Will Make You Fishers of Men". If you weren't there, here are some things you missed! The Ballard Sisters....Ode to the Potato...Fairy Wishes...singing....crazy skits....The Suburban Housewives...The Sunbeams...the human spider...and much more! During our time of Fellowship, tables were displaying the hobbies and handicrafts of our members! What a gifted bunch!!!

Romans 12:6 says "We have different gifts, according to the grace given us..." Thanks so much for sharing your gifts with the family!!!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Special Events on February 17th

This coming Sunday will be very special. Rev. Andrea Swarthout, missionary with Global Partners, will be speaking during our morning worship service at 10:45 am. She will be sharon on her ministry in Japan these last two years and what her future ministry will be when she returns to Kyoto, Japan!

That evening, plan on join us at 6 pm for our "I Love Jesus" banquet. Wesleyan Women will be sponsoring the meal this year. Cost for a ticket is $10.00. Sign up will be a fun-filled evening as we celebrate the love of Christ. Rev. Jim Thomaeson will be our speaker. Why not invite a friend!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Sanctity of Life Sunday

On Sunday, January 27th, we will be celebrating Sanctity of Life Sunday. We are blessed this year to have Barbara Rode (Branch Director of New Life Family Services in Anoka) speaking at our morning worship service at 10:45 am. We hope you can join us. While most often we think of babies when we think of sanctity of life, ALL of life is to be cherished...the unborn, little ones, those who are physically challenged, the think that we were made in the very image of God! I don't know about you, but I am in awe of our Creator! Come celebrate LIFE with us!

PS...we are going to surprise Barb with a "mini-baby shower" for New Life that morning! Remember to bring diapers (all sizes), Enfamil or Similac formula, baby items, gift cards, or even postage stamps for use at the center!