Sunday, April 6, 2008

Camp Time Is Coming!!!

Senior High Camp - June 16th through June 21st
"Identity" with Eddy Shigley Jr

Junior High Camp - June 23rd through June 28th
"Identity" with Jason Boyer

Kids Camp - July 7th through 10th
"One" with Pastor Ben Kidder

Family Camp - July 16th through 20th
Ministry by Rev. Dale Freed

All camps are at Cedar Springs Camp in Floyd, IA
There is something for the entire family!!!
See Suzi for more information. You can even register online!

Spring Leadership Clinic

Dr. Everett Piper, President of Oklahoma Wesleyan University, will be holding a clnic on April 12th from 10 am until 2 pm at Oakdale Church (6477 10th St N in Oakdale, MN). The clinic's focus will be "Facing A Shifting World View" Cost is $4.00 per persson. Let Pastor Doug know if you plan on attending...and if you will need a ride!

Membership Classes

Pastor Doug is holding membership classes starting APril 6th at 5 pm. If you are interested in becoming a member or would just like to inow more about the Wesleyan Church, plan on attending!